News News

WATCH: Child Welfare x Data – Improving Outcomes with Innovation

Binti recently teamed up with our partners to discuss the power of data and how technology can be used to promote effective Child Welfare practice and policy.

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Binti’s October Offsite: A Recap

The Binti team gather a couple of times a year to focus on our mission and strategy. Here's a peek into what we accomplished at our latest offsite.

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Why I’m excited to join Binti as an advisor – a letter from former Nebraska Governor and Senator Bob Kerrey

There may be no system in America more heartbreaking than foster care.

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Getting to Know Binti’s Customer Support Associate: Jackie Ruiz-Ortiz

In the latest post of our "Getting to Know" series, meet Jackie Ruiz-Ortiz, one of Binti’s Bi-Lingual Customer Support Associates.

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Measurable Impacts: Empowering Child Wellbeing

Binti and Upbring have built a successful partnership to push innovation and technology forward for child wellbeing across Texas. Read more about Upbring Innovation Labs and how Binti has supported their work in driving positive outcomes for children and families.

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