Job Profile: Everyone News

Leslie White

Leslie White is an Account Executive at Binti. She was drawn to Binti’s core values, particularly the value of “putting the child first,” and is committed to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Leslie hold a Bachelors of Science degree from the University of [...]

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Alex Kelly

Alex believes strongly in equality of opportunity and is excited to take on the role of Customer Success Manager. Alex previously worked as an Account Executive here at Binti, managing county and private agency partnerships. She is excited to transition roles and work alongside current partners to drive results and add value. Alex [...]

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Khaaliq DeJan

Khaaliq is a full-stack developer based in the SF Bay Area who specializes in building exceptional online experiences. He started his career as a Ruby on Rails developer and has worked at a number of start-ups of different sizes. He continues to be passionate about contributing to early-stage companies where the work he does can [...]

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Dorelia Miller

Dorelia has a passion for the well-being of children and their families because of her experience as a child immigrant and her lived experience of navigating a new life with her single mother in an unknown country.  She understood early in life the value of their community and the people who helped them along [...]

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Alex Arpag 

Alex is a Customer Success Manager that brings his passion for child welfare and professional CS career together at Binti! He is based outside of Atlanta GA and has spent the past 7 years working with clients in the nonprofit and tech worlds. His passion for foster care and child welfare started almost 3 years [...]

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